Valentine for Teachers (free printable)

Valentine's Day teacher gift: Sharpies.

Valentine’s Day teacher gift: Sharpies.

I have gotten some requests asking for the template for 2013 teacher’s valentine.

So here’s the download. Hope all the teachers get all the love they deserve!

Sharpie Valentine Download

What you need:

white paper (preferably card stock)

X-acto knife, ruler, self-healing mat (optional)

hole puncher

twine (or ribbon)

How to:

Download and print the file.

Cut out the template. I’m a fan of xacto knife, ruler, and self-healing mat combo but you can use other paper cutting instruments you have. Even scissors if you have VERY steady hands 🙂

Write the teacher’s and the child’s name.

Punch 2 holes where indicated on the template.

Place 3 sharpies between the holes.

Fasten them with a twine.

All done!